Politically Correct Bedtime Stories Modern Tales for Our Life Times James Finn Garner 9780025427303 Books

Politically Correct Bedtime Stories Modern Tales for Our Life Times James Finn Garner 9780025427303 Books
The violence and sexual content is technically there, but it's all implied/innuendo. It's more likely to fly over a child's head than actually introduce said child to adult concepts prematurely, as far as I can tell. But it's not really written for children.Brilliant writing. Whether you find politically correct speech a necessity to bring balance to public discourse, or an offensive mangling of language to serve oversensitive crybabies, or somewhere between these two poles, I suspect you will react as I did and find yourself laughing hysterically. The writer manages to mock such speech (it's fair mockery) while also bringing attention to the racism, sexism, classism, and other ills, both of the outrageous variety and the more subtle. It would probably offend everyone across the spectrum if it weren't so f*****g funny. ("Oh, I forgot you are as optically challenged as a bat.") How Red Riding Hood resolved her conflict with the wolf had me laughing hard enough to be sore, when I regained some control.
I was afraid that it would get predictable or stale if I kept reading, falling into some formula, but each story had its own pace, its own social wrongs to confront and its own strategy for addressing them. I found myself reading them sparingly, but only so I could extend my enjoyment. Everyone's sense of humor is a little different of course, but if "The Three Codependent Goats Gruff" or "The Duckling That Was Judged On Its Persunal Merits And Not On Its Physical Appearance" (or the word "womyn") make you chuckle even a little bit, I think you'll at least appreciate the humor. If instead it makes you grind your teeth and you find a rant falling out of your mouth before you even know what's happening, then you might find the humor more annoying than funny.
(If you're in the latter camp, I encourage you to take a deep breath, a step back, and stop taking the issues raised by these stories so seriously, because it's healthy to know how to laugh at yourself, but your mileage may vary.)

Tags : Politically Correct Bedtime Stories: Modern Tales for Our Life & Times [James Finn Garner] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A whimsical adaptation of classic fairy tales and bedtimes stories removes all kinds of bias and objectionable language from such traditional tales as Chicken Little,James Finn Garner,Politically Correct Bedtime Stories: Modern Tales for Our Life & Times,John Wiley & Sons Inc,002542730X,Topic - Political,Adaptations,American Satire And Humor,English,Essays, journals, letters & other prose works,Fairy tales,Fairy tales;Adaptations.,Fiction,General,Humor,Humor Topic Politics,Humorous,Humorous stories, American,Humorous stories, American.,Humour,Literary studies: general,Political correctness,Political correctness;Fiction.,USA,Fiction Humorous,HUMOR General,Humour: Collections & General
Politically Correct Bedtime Stories Modern Tales for Our Life Times James Finn Garner 9780025427303 Books Reviews
I had the pleasure of reading a translation of this book around 1997/1998, but only reading it in the original version can give a full understanding and an even greater laugh! By re-writing the classic bedtime stories in a 'politically correct' manner JFG provides us with a great satire and shows that there is a very thin line between political correctness and complete absurdity. Moreover, except for the stories contained in the original edition, this edition of the book comes with quite a few extras, which are both a nice surprise, and also a pretty good laugh.
This you gotta read. Red Riding Hood as an ardent feminist. The 3 Little Pigs fighting the corporate evil of the wolves. The Frog Prince as a seedy looking real estate developer.
Way too much fun, wish there were more.
This collection is witty and fun. I cracked up the whole time reading them--not great "bedtime" stories if you're looking for something to lull you to sleep, they are far too entertaining for that.
Similar to other reviews that mention specific stories and the humorous PC language, this book is both insightful and funny--if not laugh out loud funny. As one reviewer writes, you think each story will be similar, but every story has its own feel and the caricature of PC-ness is nuanced, even though it sounds direct and obvious.
I have read this aloud to family and friends and there is always thought-provoking conversation afterwards.
Politically Correct Bedtime Stories is a collection of fairy tales and poems made hilariously politically correct. Some are changed better (and are more funny) than others. It is a fun, quick read. I recommend it!
This book is hilarious ! I love it. I read some of the stories to my cousin when she was visiting me, and she nearly fell off the bed from laughing so hard. Our familiar fairy tales have all been adjusted to be carefully politically correct, so that Rumplestiltskin is no longer 'a short little man' but instead is now 'vertically challenged' and Cinderella's stepmother is not ugly, oh no....but she is 'differently envisaged enough to stop a clock' ! These short little stories will make your day.
The idea of these bedtime stories is to take traditional stories and move them into modern sensibilities. The idea is good, and some of the stories work a lot better than others. Some of them seem to reach too far with far less success than others. Like all such literature, the idea is more difficult to bring off than it seems should be the case.
The violence and sexual content is technically there, but it's all implied/innuendo. It's more likely to fly over a child's head than actually introduce said child to adult concepts prematurely, as far as I can tell. But it's not really written for children.
Brilliant writing. Whether you find politically correct speech a necessity to bring balance to public discourse, or an offensive mangling of language to serve oversensitive crybabies, or somewhere between these two poles, I suspect you will react as I did and find yourself laughing hysterically. The writer manages to mock such speech (it's fair mockery) while also bringing attention to the racism, sexism, classism, and other ills, both of the outrageous variety and the more subtle. It would probably offend everyone across the spectrum if it weren't so f*****g funny. ("Oh, I forgot you are as optically challenged as a bat.") How Red Riding Hood resolved her conflict with the wolf had me laughing hard enough to be sore, when I regained some control.
I was afraid that it would get predictable or stale if I kept reading, falling into some formula, but each story had its own pace, its own social wrongs to confront and its own strategy for addressing them. I found myself reading them sparingly, but only so I could extend my enjoyment. Everyone's sense of humor is a little different of course, but if "The Three Codependent Goats Gruff" or "The Duckling That Was Judged On Its Persunal Merits And Not On Its Physical Appearance" (or the word "womyn") make you chuckle even a little bit, I think you'll at least appreciate the humor. If instead it makes you grind your teeth and you find a rant falling out of your mouth before you even know what's happening, then you might find the humor more annoying than funny.
(If you're in the latter camp, I encourage you to take a deep breath, a step back, and stop taking the issues raised by these stories so seriously, because it's healthy to know how to laugh at yourself, but your mileage may vary.)

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